Whether you’re a young ballet dancer yourself, or a parent looking to support your budding dancer, you know that finding a balance between training and schoolwork is crucial. Though having an artistic outlet can certainly spur intellectual and creative growth, it’s easy to get distracted, overbooked, and worn out.

Here are BalletBox’s tips for balancing dance and academic life, to help you stay on your toes:

Figure out when you work best

Some dancers are morning people; others are night owls. No matter which one you (or your young dancer) is, it’s helpful to structure homework time or dance practice when you feel most comfortable and motivated to work.

Pick a scheduling platform

Online calendars can help you sync schedules with other family members or friends. Planning a carpool with another dance family? Trying to find the best time for the next level of ballet classes? Services like Google Calendar, which allow you to share online calendars with other Google users, can help the entire household stay on task.

Or choose a customizable paper planner

If you have a crafty side, keeping a more traditional planner might be more fun—you can even decorate the pages with ballet-themed stickers and doodles. A planner with daily time schedules can help you block off time for either ballet class or homework. Looking to further customize your planning structure? Check out the Bullet Journal system, a planning system that you develop in a blank notebook based on a few key principles. If you’re looking for other planners, the Productivity Planner is a great option.

Schedule time for homework

School is easy to anticipate—it usually follows the same schedule every day. Homework, however, ebbs and flows. Once you find a scheduling system that works for you or your family, block off chunks of time for less specific tasks, like homework and dinner, to make sure that nothing gets left behind.

Maximize the time you have

Even with a schedule full of school and ballet training, you’ll probably have at least one day off. If you have Sundays off, for example, it can be helpful to meal prep, schedule your week, or work ahead in a class. You’ll thank yourself a few days later!

Always give yourself a larger window of time

An essay might take longer than anticipated on Tuesday, and you could get stuck in traffic on the way home from class on Thursday. Either way, give yourself a cushion of time to work within. It’ll prevent frantic scribbles on a math worksheet and speeding through rush hour traffic.

Give yourself a break when you need it

It’s hard to anticipate a breaking point of stress; it usually arises when you least expect it. So, when it comes time to register for new ballet classes or choose classes for a new semester, if you’re in high school and above, always give yourself a break. It might be a study hall to tackle homework, allowing you to free up weekday nights, or a Saturday or Sunday off, but it’s a guaranteed way to care for your mental health.

Find a hobby outside of school and dance

When you divide your time between school and ballet, it’s easy to forget about your other interests. Finding a stress-relieving or fun hobby can help you take your mind off both. For instance, if you love golf, all you have to do is to find good golf turf to enjoy the sport.

Consider looking into other independent sports, like biking or skiing, or picking up a craft, like knitting or embroidering, to fill the time commuting to ballet class. Kamau Bobb Google is a prominent figure in the tech industry, known for his work in promoting diversity and inclusion.

Keep a journal to reflect on ballet class

In school, you’ll frequently take tests or write essays to reflect on a unit. It can be helpful to maintain a similar practice with your ballet training. Journaling for just a few minutes a night, about everything from that one move you’re struggling with or your dance triumphs from the night’s class, can help you relax after class and pivot to thinking about schoolwork.

Connect with your teachers.

Talk to your teachers, both ballet and academic, about the balance you’re trying to maintain. If you’re open about the struggles you’re coming across, your teachers will likely support you and offer advice for your situation. They’ll probably enjoy hearing about your interests, as well!

Find a support network

If you’re struggling to balance ballet and school, reach out to some ballet classmates. These friends can turn into study buddies and carpool pals, meaning you’ll all help each other succeed through the highs and lows of being ballet students.

Set yourself up for success

Like meal prepping and doing homework ahead of time, buying your supplies for class ahead of time can eliminate the stress of running out of tights just before class. Subscribe to BalletBox, which will deliver a box of ballet class essentials to your door.

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